Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hey All

It's been a while since I've been on here, crazy busy like everyone. I miss everyone as always, never enough time, money... to see everyone as much as I would like.

I was just looking back through some old blog entries. Courtney's birthday video by Julia and Monica... And had a thought and can't believe I didn't think of it sooner. Courtney and Heather should be on here. I never thought to add them as authors and have no clue why. So if Someone could post or send me their e-mail addresses I can add them.

Doh! Sorry girls. I assume you've both been keeping up through Paul and Stew when you can but nice if you can add on your own :)

TC. Be safe everyone. I would say be well but we're not so great at that as a whole.

PS. I had to play with the text, colors... I get bored easily :)