Either way I'm heading out for a bit and I'll have to figure out the picture situation later. It wont allow me to add any more to this page but I have seen other blogs that have different pics for different days. So it is possible :) I may have to check in with Robin my blog specialist later.
Tc. Corinna
Pics after some much needed guidance. Its actually Easter now but I felt the need to back up to this page and add the pics. I think its called OCD :)
At Home Depot looking for some stuff.



Tired of looking... " I'm a tree!"

" I'm a bent tree!"




More pics to come...
Keener, everyone else is still recovering from shopping the day before Easter. It was a whole lot like Christmas shopping on the 24th of December minus the Christmas cheer.

Carrot seeds. Here's hoping Julia's thumb is greener than her mom's.

Little touch of wata

Help from mom for the blackberry bush, poor bush.

Ta Da.

Monica being coerced into helping. note the face.

Feeling a little less coerced...

Maybe not, note the face again. It's hard being 10.

Enough for one day, raspberry bush, blackberry bush and some carrots. Can ya see the snow in the background? Happy spring / Easter :)

Watching the Wizard of Oz. I believe the copy you bought Mon when she was tiny. She still has her Dorthy doll, shoes...