Happy Birthday to me :)

Not sure who's happier the giver or the receiver.

Awww! Both I guess

Another cool gift from Julia.

Just reward. Awww! I love those two.

Birthday breakfast cupcakes.


Aside from all the birthday fun we can't forget, ME, I'm sick. Being the wonderful hard working single parent that I am. I realized as sick as I was, I was not going to be able to make it through the day I had planned feeling like I was. So I hit the pharmacy's, I'm not much of a cough, cold, allergy pill taker so I went with the wisdom of our local pharmacist, big mistake. I took one pill, lucked out and had my afternoon assignment cancel. I headed to bed for a much needed nap, set the clock so I would be up to grab the girls at school. My alarm went off, I woke up stoned out of my mind. I still had to get the girls, drop Mon at dance and do council which is broadcast live on TV in 3 hours time. Hmmmmm, what to do what to do? I decided to take it slow and see just how wacked I actually was. I got the kids at school and quickly realized none of the rest of my day was going to happen. One kids mom said hi to me, I giggled, then laughed out loud, then some how formed an intelligent thought and got my butt out of the school with all the Bedford mom's inside. I sat quietly in the car waiting for the girls, trying to look busy so no one else would attempt to talk to me, because I was a mess. I some how managed to get everyone home safe and sound. I called and canceled council which I have never done before but the mayor, all the council members, tv cameras and me stoned seemed like a very bad idea. Thank God for the one last remaining brain cell that made that decision. So I called up my babysitter to get Mon back and forth to dance, mom watched Julia and I went to bed to sleep off my drug induced state of ridiculously goofy, not at all appropriate single mom behavior on her daughters 11th birthday. So proud, so proud, yup, where's my mother of the year award?
Mother of the year sorta kinda well not really.

Hey Stew. I added you to this blog so if you want you'll be able to add pics and write on here as well.
Love you both. Corinna
I almost forgot, the kitties eyes are open.

Notice Julia's blue, red and purple hair. Compliments of Mon and one of her birthday gifts.