Its 9:30 in the morning and we're well past our Easter extravaganza. I gave my Blog master a call because I'm clueless and was in desperate need of some help to figure out how in the world to make my pics do what I want them to do. So I'm now full of blog picture info ( received from the blog master after I corrected the spelling of his name on my last blog entry, oops, nice I know. He gives me a kidney and I can't spell his name.) and once again ridiculously excited about having a clue :) Off I go to make the magic happen. So if you check in mid way through my
rearranging and it looks like a bomb has gone off, no worries I totally got it covered. Well maybe.
I'll fix some pics while the kids do their stuff then we're all going out for some snowy Easter fun. Back a little later with some Easter shots.
We love you guys.