Mon out and about in her shorts and winter coat (NS spring apparel).

Our one and only pic at the art gallery. Not allowed to take pics inside... It was then that Julia and I realized. What could possible be better than pics of beautiful artwork at the NS Art Gallery?


We're on the school bus. I snapped Jul and she snapped me.

Julia and I once again in the kitchen, in the dirt. We're filling bags with soil for Mon's birthday. She's giving out flower pots, with a bag of seeds and a bag of soil for treat bags.

Heading to bed, night. It felt like a very long day today. After affects of my pothead activities yesterday maybe. Love you two!
Eleven months and counting till we come to visit again :) and we are so counting.
We're heading to the Ramada tomorrow, right after school, till Sunday. I'll get Mon and Jul to take a turn posting on Sunday when we get back :)