Ok so I was bored and decided Keri's pics needed some captions :) So all captions by Aunty Corinna WHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luckily I believe I'm the only one who can do this. If not we may all be in trouble :)
I may look innocent but their are horns under this here hair :)

Possibly the reason behind the horns :)

Just passing through haven't quit figured out all these loonie toones :)

Smoke. What smoke? You must be mistaken. I'm holding it for a friend.

Pretty flowers

Awwww! Chris and cute puppy who's name I don't know and know nothing about.

Awwww! Going for a walk.

Ok so maybe not a walk.

Ekkk, whats he doin? Afraid to look at the next pic.

Good call Keri! Nobody wants to see the poop shot :)

There's our pretty little photographer. Photographer/supper model. Cool shot! Good imagination.

Bond, James Bond.

Beautiful sun set or sun rise. By your house I think?

Let me out, come on, someone, please, just for a sec, I'm beggin ya, let me out, ok enough with the pics, a dogs gotta do what a dogs gotta do, come on guys, help a guy out!

Looking ridiculously like his daddy.

Cool guy/Cool ride.



I some how managed to delete two pics and I even had captions made up for them :( Doh! Can you put them back on Keri? It was of Chris and his girl playin and then one of the two of them playin and the puppy there.
Thanks for all the pic's Keri. It's great to see everyone:)
TC, Love ya! Corinna