Paul, Stew and me. Note the hair. It's the 70's, what do you want.

Stew, me, some defenseless kitties and a puppy ( Have no clue on the name. Someone help me out.) on the farm.

Paul and Stew. I have no idea where this was taken. But from the hair it's obviously still the 70's. Although now that I think about it all our hair still looks pretty similar today :)

Matthew holding Sean on the left and Keri holding Chris on the right, at my place, obviously on Christmas. How cute are all of you.

Hey guys ~ I just got a chance to take a look at this here at work. I love it! Wonderful way to keep in touch! Since Paul won't let me use his laptop (hee hee) I guess I'll post my comments from work. Really, what else do they pay me for, right? Hi Stew and Courtney, how have you been? Hope all is well in sunny California while we're all here enduring this excruciating weather! Take care and I'll check back regularly. Hi Corinna, Berm, Mon and Julia! See you guys soon.
Aunt Heather
Hi guys - The dog's name is sport.
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