Love ya.
Easter pics on their way.
Easter egg hunt and Gramma trying to get a shot.

Doh that childs fast.

Hold still.

Holding still for Gramma but possibly about to lose her mind if she has to stand still for one more second.

Plenty of years experience with Gramma and a camera.

Maybe a little too much experience.

Ok so let me get you caught up, this one has a bit of a story to it. The girls left a note for the Easter bunny asking if he could please leave a note saying how many eggs were hidden so that they would be sure they got them all. Ok so my OCD may be rubbing off a bit :) So the Easter bunny told them there were 90 eggs all together and 2 special golden eggs, one for each of them. So after far too long of an Easter egg hunt, that finally involved the grown ups present, we still hadn't located Julia's golden egg. We counted up the eggs and discovered it was the only one missing. Big surprise there. So again there was an all out search for the missing egg. Julia finally decided that we just were not going to be able to find it. Which lead to this ridiculously sad conversation with big sis. Big sis being the amazing big sis that she is, ventured off to find the missing egg...
Go to next pic for more story.

Big sis returns with the only kind of lie a parent allows, the kind that saves a sibling from heart break. The conversation went something like this:
Mon " I think I found your egg, its in the kitchen cupboard go see."
Far to smart little sister who knows her big sisters true heart. "Where's your's?"
Reply by ridiculously bad lier, big sister. " Ahhhh...."
So off we all go again looking for the freakin egg that the #*!*#! Easter bunny should have left a map for.
Move to next pic for happy ending.

Mommy saves the day and finds the precious #!*#! egg. No special eggs next year without a map.

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